Launch your brand with a Coach & Roadmap

Work with the CEO & Founder of Gildform, Karissma Yve to launch your jewelry line from concept to creation.

You'll feel empowered with your weekly meetings and Custom Roadmap that is built for you; starting from where you are and ending in where you'd like to be with your jewelry brand.

Coached by Karissma Yve

Founder & CEO, Gildform

As the founder and owner of her own specialty jewelry brand, Xenophora, Karissma faced the production problems that many designers face in an industry overrun with fast fashion. What started in a Detroit basement took her to Paris fashion week and back again (with her designs sold at retail locations in 5 different countries), but left her with no sustainable way to scale.  

No longer able to meet the demand by hand, she searched for a manufacturing partner that could bridge the gap between her now sought-after designs and a finished product she could ship to her customers. That search came up empty, and after meeting with hundreds of jewelry brand owners the truth became clear; they all had the same problem. A fast-approaching plateau caused by lagging lead times. 

After reaching the conclusion that a solution didn’t exist, Karissma decided to create one. After 1.5 years of research and fundraising, Casting de Khrysopoeia was born. The only Detroit-based jewelry design and manufacturing facility capable of taking jewelry from concept to finished product and a Case Study for what is now known as Gildform. 

After solving the latency problem for clients ranging from sole proprietorship’s to Shinola, Karissma had proof of concept. Too invested to turn back, she set a new plan in motion. One that would solve the latency problem plaguing the jewelry industry on a larger scale, and deliver high-quality specialty jewelry to customers worldwide.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What's a Custom Roadmap?

A Custom Roadmap is a literally a custom map for starting your brand. It will outline the steps that you'll need to take to get your jewelry brand to market.

The Roadmap is custom because it is tailored to you and your unique objectives.

Why do I need a Custom Roadmap for starting a jewelry brand?

If you want to start a jewelry brand but don't know the direction to getting there, your Custom Roadmap will serve as a map that you can always refer back to.

Your Custom Roadmap will help you navigate the journey to starting your jewelry brand.

Why do I need a Custom Roadmap & A Coach?

Here's the thing, more than likely obstacles may arise. But when they do your coach will be alongside you to show you how to turn any obstacle into an opportunity. To ensure that no obstacle gets in the way of start your jewelry brand.

Your coach is like a guide with a map that was made just for you and the destination is the launch of YOUR JEWELRY BRAND!

Your bi-weekly meetings with your coach, Karissma Yve will be a check-in AND an opportunity for your coach to provide feedback on anything may come up while on the journey to launch. Your coach will help you identify roadblocks and provide support of how to overcome the challenges as they arise.

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

There are absolutely no refunds on Coaching and Consulting because once we spend our time with you, we can’t get it back. We cannot guarantee results in a course-related, coaching or consulting relationship because results depend on your openness to being coached and your willingness to do the work.

If you are not completely satisfied with your investment and are on a payment plan, you may request we stop collecting on future payments.

Upon providing deposit or full program payment you are authorizing Gildform to process your payment. Upon approval of your application, you are responsible for full payment of fees for the program. No refunds will be issued if you are accepted into the program.

Finally, a great deal of energy, time and thought goes into the preparation of each 1:1 session. If you’re late for your appointment, you lose that time. If you don’t show, you’ll still be charged in full. In turn, we promise to honor our appointments and be on time as well. 

If you need to reschedule our one-on-one session for any reason, please give email us at [email protected]

How do I schedule my appointments?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book and reschedule a time for your appointments

Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase the coaching again.

Do I have to be a #GildformCreator to receive a Custom Roadmap?

No, but why wouldn't you want to be a Gildform Creator. Please keep in mind that your roadmap may include some features to design and manufacturing that traditional manufacturers may not be able to accommodate. We can cannot tailor a roadmap to another manufacturers process because we do not know their process.

It is recommended that you work with Gildform to maximize the outcome of the Roadmap.

Please keep in mind that Gildform Design and Production services are made to your specifications and that Coaching and/or Custom Road Maps are separate services.

You can learn more about How Gildform Works Here